Best in Class Heating Oil & Propane

Order Heating Oil Online Today!

Now Delivering Propane!

Contact Your Local Office


(814) 623-8114

4588 Business 220
Bedford, PA 15522
New Cumberland

(717) 774-3835

111 Limekiln Rd
New Cumberland, PA 17070

1 (877) 4-SAC-OIL

4588 Business 220
Bedford, PA 15522
24/7 Propane Emergency Line

(814) 496-0802

4588 Business 220
Bedford, PA 15522

Why Choose SAC Energy?

Order, Schedule, Pay Icon
Order, Schedule, Pay

With a SAC Energy account you can order, schedule, & pay for a delivery.

Discounts and Reards Icon
Discounts & Rewards

With discounts & rewards there is something for everyone to love.

Competitive Pricing Icon
Competitive Pricing

Don’t overpay for your fuel. Our pricing is always competitive.

Best of The Best Award
Best of the Best

Voted Best of the Best

Multiple Delivery Sites Icon
Manage Multiple Sites

Manage all of your delivery sites
with your online account.

Security Icon

Payments securely managed with Stripe Payments.

Our current fuel prices

To see our current prices in your area please Sign in or Create a Free Account to view our pricing 24/7

Need Heating Assistance?


The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, also known as LIHEAP, helps low-income families pay their heating bills. LIHEAP is a grant that offers assistance in the form of a cash grant, sent directly to the utility company, or a crisis grant for households in immediate danger of being without heat.

Visit LIHEAP's Website for applications & more information on this great program and to get started.


The Office of Home Energy Programs, also known as OHEAP, provides assistance to Maryland’s low-income households to help you stay warm, stay connected,and help pay past due energy bills

Visit OHEAP's Website for applications & more information on this great program and to get started.

Sign Up Today & Start Ordering!


Volume Discounts

Discount(per gallon) Discount
with Senior Citizen or Veteran discount (per gallon)
200 gal. 4¢ 6¢
400 gal. 6¢ 8¢
600 gal. 8¢ 10¢

Automatic Delivery Discounts

Discount(per gallon) Discount
with Senior Citizen or Veteran discount (per gallon)
One 275 gal. Tank 4¢ 6¢
Two 275 gal. Tanks 6¢ 8¢

Neighbor Group Ordering

Want to get volume discounts but don't want to order 200 or more gallons? If you and your neighbor(s) make your order into a group order that order is eligible for volume discounting!

To qualify, each delivery must be within .5 miles of at least one other delivery location on the order.

Please note, once the order is complete, you cannot add another location to the order.

Senior Citizen Discount

We offer a per gallon discount for Seniors 62 and older! This discount is in addition to any volume discount, automatic delivery discount, or group ordering discount you may receive; however, it is limited to a primary residence only.

Veteran Discount

We offer a per gallon discount for all Veterans! This discount is in addition to any volume discount, automatic delivery discount, or group ordering discount you may receive; however, it is limited to a primary residence only.


What makes the best pricing even better? Rewards! Get a coupon for each delivery you get!

Currently the reward is a coupon for 20¢ off each gallon of gasoline or diesel at one of our SAC Shell Gasoline stations!

Find out store locations on our SAC's Shell Page

SAC Energy Rewards Coupon Preview

Sign Up Today & Start Ordering!

Plans and Programs


With heating prices higher than ever, it has never been as important to make sure you are getting the best price possible. That's why we pride ourselves on keeping our price competitive.

Our Current Fuel Prices

Want to get instant access to all of our fuel prices? Create a SAC Energy Account and add a delivery site to see your local pricing! You can then create an order right on your dashboard or you can give us a call to place your order. Any questions? Give us a call at 1-877-4-SAC-OIL or contact us here

Low Minimum Delivery

In our current economy every dollar is important. We understand this and to help we have a low minimum delivery of 100 gallons or 150 gallons depending on your location, allowing you to spend less on your fuel purchase.

Still too much? We will deliver less than 100 gallons too; however, there is a price increase that varies depending on your location.

Quality Fuels, delivered by Quality People

Keeping things fresh is always important. That's why at SAC we have smaller storage tanks to keep our fuels fresh. This prevents things such as algae (or fungus) from forming in the tanks and fuels.

Easy Pay Monthly Payment Plans

Don't let your heating bill be a large all-at-once expense. With 8, 9, 10, or 11 Month payment plans you can start paying for heating oil before you need it. Why might you want to do this? For anyone with a budget it creates a steady monthly outflow of money, which is much easier to manage than one large bill. Imagine getting a delivery of heating oil and knowing that you have already paid for it?

Easy Pay is based on 4 different budget plans. To find out how to get started on an Easy Pay plan please call us! 1 (877) 4-SAC-OIL

Fast Delivery

Our delivery schedule is designed to ensure fast delivery, regardless of your location.

Out of Heating Oil?

If you are out of heating oil please call our offices & we will do the best we can to rush your delivery!

Sign Up Today & Start Ordering!

What We Deliver

Heating Oil

Heating Oil is the least expensive and most popular of the heating fuels. This fuel is used best when the fuel tank(s) are located inside the house or underground, since it can "gel" when we get very cold temperatures; Customers with outdoor tanks should strongly consider using Winterized Heating Oil to avoid potential problems when it gets extremely cold.

Winterized Heating Oil

Winterized heating oil is the second most popular product we deliver. Winterized heating oil has all of the benefits of heating oil but is treated to withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees Fahrenheit without "gelling". Winterized Heating Oil is 10¢ more per gallon for the extra fuel treatment.

Off-Road Diesel

Off-Road diesel can be used for any off-road use that is not used for heating. Tractors, Trains, Generators, and Boats are just a few of the most common uses for Off-Road Diesel. The advantage of Off-Road Diesel to On-Road Diesel is that it is completely exempt from the fuel taxes that would apply to On Road Diesel; resulting in big savings for those customers!

Please note that Off-Road Diesel is frequently subject to sales tax. Tell us what you are using the Off-Road for and we can check whether or not you are exempt from the sales tax.


Kerosene is most often used in outdoor tanks because it will not "gel" when the temperature drops extremely low. Winterized Heating Oil is a lower cost alternative to Kerosene and provides low temperature protection as well.